Upcoming events.

VBS 2025 Training - Magnify the WHY

VBS 2025 Training - Magnify the WHY

Everyone needs to know WHY we do VBS—your pastor, volunteers, parents, kids, community and YOU! When we magnify “the why” people are more passionate, more willing to serve, quicker to give to the cause, more intentional, have more fun, and get to see God’s bigness in the details. Walk away with a strategy to tell the world WHY you are doing VBS & discover the difference a why can make!

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Break Through - Women's Conference

Break Through - Women's Conference

Are you a woman who is ready to break through barriers and step into the fullness of who Christ has called them to be? If so, join us at First Baptist Church - Diboll for an incredible Break Through Women’s Conference on May 3rd from 8AM to 4PM.

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Kids Ministry Podcast On The Road

Kids Ministry Podcast On The Road

Are you a Sunday morning or Wednesday night volunteer serving Birth-5th grade kiddos? Have no fear! The Kids Ministry Podcast is here! Our Podcast is hitting the road and visiting Houston’s First Baptist Church in Cypress on August 6th to train and equip leaders to share the gospel with kids in an exciting way!

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Heart of the Child Conference 2024
to Apr 6

Heart of the Child Conference 2024

  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every other year, family and childhood convention leaders from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri along with Lifeway Kids Min leaders work together to host the Heart of the Child conference. Breakout sessions are offered in preschool, children, preteen, family, and disability ministries to encourage, train, and assist leaders.

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Equip Conference

Equip Conference

Equip is designed specifically to train leaders in the local church. With over 25 areas of ministry specific breakouts and more than 70 speakers, this conference has something to offer all leaders and equip them to serve.

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ABSC Explore. Discover. Grow.

ABSC Explore. Discover. Grow.

The Weekday Early Education Ministry of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention seeks to support and encourage churches in preschool ministries and weekday programs such as Mother’s Day-out, weekday preschool, daycare, and after-school programs.

Weekday Early Education Workshops

The annual Arkansas Baptists Weekday Early Education Workshops (Explore, Discover, Grow) are the primary training events that seek to support and encourage churches in preschool ministries and weekday programs such as Mother’s Day-out, weekday preschool, daycare, and after-school programs. Children matter to God, and they matter to us.

The Explore, Discover, Grow Conferences are designed to train directors, teachers, preschool leaders, and other staff of preschool ministries and weekday early education programs in ABSC churches and other early childhood centers.

Our goal is to assist early childhood leaders in meeting needs and providing excellent learning experiences for infants through kindergarteners as they develop physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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Bloom Weekday Conference

Bloom Weekday Conference

Session 1: No More Raw Chicken

Let’s join together and learn how to teach preschoolers the Bible in fun and creative ways. You’ll leave laughing and fully equipped to teach preschoolers the Bible and make the commitment with teachers from all over the country to never, ever Raw Chicken Teach again!

Sessions 2 and 3: Why They Wiggle and Squirm and How to help them Learn and Develop When They Do

We all need to KNOW basic child development. Be ready to move and explore as you learn how children develop, why they behave certain ways, and how to teach in developmentally appropriate ways.

Sessions 4 and 5: Transition Time is FUN!

Discover the times you spend in transition daily and walk away with a toolbox full of songs, games & finger plays to make those moments smooth and meaningful.

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Mission: Wonder-San Antonio

Mission: Wonder-San Antonio

Don't miss it! If you are in San Antonio area, join us on Saturday, February 4, 2023 at Shearer Hills Baptist Church for 6 full hours of training from some of your favorite presenters. Lunch is included, too!

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Mission: Wonder-Houston

Mission: Wonder-Houston

Don't miss it! If you are in Houston area, join us on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at Heritage Park Baptist Church for 6.5 full hours of training from some of your favorite presenters. Lunch is included, too!

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Missouri Children’s Minister’s Retreat
to Nov 5

Missouri Children’s Minister’s Retreat

This is a retreat for full-time or part-time Professional Childhood Ministers/Directors. This includes anyone who is considered part of their local church’s ministerial staff, meet with the church staff on a regular basis, or have primary responsibility for the preschool/childhood ministries of the church.

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